39 Effective Ideas For Driving Traffic To Your Website

Low traffic of website is one of the most common challenges today. I interview many experts about how to increase blog traffic. Many of th...

Low traffic of website is one of the most common challenges today. I interview many experts about how to increase blog traffic. Many of them say they have lost a significant percentage of their search traffic over the past year or two, and are continuously looking for new ways to drive relevant traffic to their site.

This article is a guideline for publishers and business owners a whole battery of straight-to-the-point, actionable tips and trick for getting traffic to your website or blog. While some of these strategies won’t be a quick fix, you may be surprised how quickly many of them start to generate results.

  1. Focus on long-tail keywords
    The days of focusing on a single keyword for each page are long gone. Make sure your posts include all the relevant terms and phrases related to your topic. For help with finding long-tail keywords, see my post How to Find LSI (Long Tail) Keywords Once You’ve Identified Your Primary Keywords.
  2. Start a forum on your website
    An active forum can quickly begin ranking for long-tail keywords. They’re also great for decreasing your site’s bounce rate, increasing time-on-site, as well as building a community.
  3. Start a Facebook group that drives traffic to your site
    Start a niche-specific group where members can ask questions and get support (and don’t forget to point them back to your site’s content where relevant).
  4. Submit your blog posts to StumbleUpon
    It works!
  5. Promote your blog posts to your email list
    This doesn’t have to be the main focus of all your emails, but including a link or two back to your blog posts can considerably increase traffic, leads, and sales.
  6. Answer a HARO query
    Answering a pitch only take a few minutes, and can result in great PR, high-quality inbound links and referral traffic to your site.
  7. Work on your headlines
    Your headlines are what will get people in the door, particularly when you share your blog posts via social media; make sure they pique interest and clearly articulate the benefit to your readers. For help with that, see “The Online Marketer’s Guide to Writing High-Converting Headlines.”
  8. Join a blogging community like ProBlogger or CopyBlogger
    This is a great way to network with other bloggers, and to cross-promote each other’s content.
  9. Include links to other relevant posts on your blog
    When you write a post, always be sure to mention other posts your readers may find helpful; this is great for SEO as well as for increasing time-on-site, conversion rates, and referral traffic.
  10. Guest post on relevant blogs
    There’s not much point guest blogging on a site in an unrelated niche; make sure you only contribute to highly-relevant, high-quality sites in your niche. See “The Ultimate, Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Business by Guest Blogging.”
  11. Become a columnist or contributor on a well-known website
    If you can become a guest contributor on an authority site like Huffington Post or Forbes, you not only drive targeted traffic to your site, but establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  12. Optimize your existing posts
    Comb through your old posts to make sure they have unique and relevant title tags, URLS and meta descriptions.
  13. Demote irrelevant Google sitelinks
    While Google sitelinks are automatically generated, you can demote URLS you don’t want to show; this may increase the chances that the URLS you do want listed show up. You can do this from within Google Webmaster Tools.
  14. Arrange an advertising swap
    Trade banner ads with a complimentary site in your niche.
  15. Post more frequently
    Neil Patel of QuickSprout found that by posting high-quality posts 6x per week (as opposed to 5), blog traffic increased by 18.6%. Find your magic number and commit to seeing it through. Remember that in many cases, the traffic increases you see from blogging are scalable.
  16. Submit your posts to Reddit
    Yes, this also still works.
  17. Mention influencers in your tweets
    When you cite, quote or mention someone in a blog post, be sure to @ mention them in your tweet when you promote your post.
  18. Focus your energy on strategies that are working
    You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Study your analytics to see your main traffic drivers, and focus on your energy on these areas.
  19. Build connections with others in your niche
    I know this sounds cliché, but building personal relationships with other bloggers in your niche will often result in organic inbound links and referral traffic to your site.
  20. Make sure you have every relevant keyword you can think of on your site
    I’m not talking old-school keyword spamming here. I’m talking about focusing on topical content; and making sure you at least have the chance of being found for all your relevant keywords, no matter how obscure they may be.
  21. Create a top 10 website post
    Select the top 10 blogs in your niche, and write a post about them. You may also want to create a simple badge or banner those sites can embed to show off their award.
  22. Make the most of Facebook links
    Be sure to include links back to your site in your About page, in your photo descriptions, in the comments of your posts (where relevant), and in your milestones.
  23. Get on YouTube
    YouTube drives the most engaged traffic out of all social media sites, with an average of 2.99 pages per visit.
  24. Add text to your blog post images
    Try including your post title and URL in your blog post images for optimal effect when pinned or shared.
  25. Become a member of industry Facebook and LinkedIn groups
    Offer valuable advice and info to build relationships and drive traffic to your site.
  26. Connect with bloggers who are already sending you traffic
    If someone has already linked to your site, they obviously like what you have to say. Contact them to see if there are other ways they could help promote your content (and vice versa).
  27. Ask a well-known blogger to guest post on your site
    They’ll likely share the post with their audience, driving traffic to your site.
  28. Respond to blog comments
    Respond thoughtfully to all comments on your blog. This is great for building relationships, as well as for driving commenters back to your site.
  29. Add your blog to Alltop
    As an aggregate for all kinds of web content, submitting your blog increases your chances of getting found by people looking for content in your niche.
  30. Answer Questions
    Visit sites like Yahoo Answers or Quora and answer questions relevant to your niche.
  31. Write a Response Post
    Respond to a controversial post in your niche and then let the original poster know about it. Chances are good they won’t be able to resist responding to it on their blog.
  32. Contact influential bloggers
    When you write a groundbreaking or newsworthy post, notify influencers in your field. You may be surprised at how many link back to your post.
  33. Make proper use of categories
    If you haven’t already organized your content into relevant categories, now’s the time. Categories are great not only for SEO, but for helping your readers find relevant content.
  34. Write landmark posts
    Create at least a few long-form, authoritative posts that will organically garner links and attention over the long haul.
  35. Comment on industry blogs
    Become a regular commenter on a popular blog in your niche to help drive referral traffic and to establish relationships with other bloggers.
  36. Interview influencers in your niche
    They will be very likely to promote the interview to their audience.
  37. Share your blog posts regularly on Facebook
    Post a short excerpt from your posts to entice them to click through.
  38. Share your posts with Blogs
    Meet other bloggers and share each other’s content.
  39. Add your blog to Technorati
    As the world’s largest blog directory, claiming your blog should be standard procedure for all bloggers.



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METRO Traffic: 39 Effective Ideas For Driving Traffic To Your Website
39 Effective Ideas For Driving Traffic To Your Website
METRO Traffic
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